About Us

Life has changed, society has altered, but the call to the Christian church is still the same. It is a summons to wholehearted commitment, to a fulfilling of duty. It is the willingness to sacrifice, the setting aside of self interests, personal preferences, and even the good, in the effort to reach for the best. Our supreme task is to extend the Kingdom of God in Lisburn and the surrounding areas.

Mission Focus

We are a mission focussed fellowship, endeavouring to send, support and facilitate both local and foreign mission. We have had the wonderful opportunity of sending missionaries abroad from our own church, who we now support both prayerfully and financially. Our vision for Biblical teaching and preaching is to bring precious souls to know Christ as their Saviour, and to challenge those who already know Christ toward holiness of heart and life, to a Spirit-filled walk with God. Our passion is to see the Spirit of God poured out in glorious reviving power, whether that be in Lisburn or around the world. We hold a monthly Missionary Prayer meeting, where various people involved in global and local mission come to give a report on their work, which is followed by a time of prayer for them and their mission activities.